Registration Registration Form We are looking forward to you joining us for a fabulous year of Calisthenics!If you are new to calisthenics we offer two obligation free classes before you register.Prior to registration, please read through the following:Important InformationCode of ConductPrivacy PolicyCompetition and Theatre RulesFees informationIf you require clarification or assistance with registering, please Contact Us. Registration Participant Details Age Group * Tinies (7 and under)Subbies (8-10)Juniors (11-13)Inters (14-17)Seniors (18-25)Masters (26+) Surname * Given Names * Date of Birth * Address * Suburb * State * Postcode * Year Commenced Calisthenics Club Last Registered At Calisthenics Skills Level (if applicable) How did you hear about Calisthenics if you are new to the sport? Not new to the sportFriend / FamilyFacebookWebsiteFlyerInfo Stand Parent / Guardian Primary Contact Name * Primary Contact Relationship * MotherFatherGrandparentGuardianSpouse / PartnerSelfOther Primary Contact Phone * Primary Contact Email * Parent / Guardian Secondary Contact Name Secondary Contact Relationship MotherFatherGrandparentGuardianSpouse / PartnerSelfOther Secondary Contact Phone Secondary Contact Email Registration Fees The Calisthenics ACT Levy must be paid upon registration. More information about fees can be found here. If you are unsure about paying competitive or non-competitive, please Contact Us or speak to the team manager. Description used on payment of CaliACT Levy (eg. Jones/T/LF) * Annual Clubs fees for Tinies is $750 and $980 for all other age groups. Upon registration you will be invoiced for remaining fees. Club Fees Payment Method * Annual Term Payments (3 instalments) Monthly (9 monthly payments) Family Discount I am / will be registering multiple family members Medical Details Medical History Epilepsy Anaemia Asthma Diabetes Fainting Nosebleeds Allergies Other Addition Details Medications (if applicable) Previous Injuries (if applicable) * If you have a detailed medical plan in document form then please email it to Medical Consent * I give permission for my child to participate in all activities associated with Action Calisthenics Inc. I authorise officials of Action Calisthenics Inc. in the event that I am / we are unable to be contacted within a reasonable time, to obtain any medical assistance they may consider necessary for my child and I agree to meet all resulting expenses incurred. I have indicated above any pre-exiting medical conditions or injury. I consent to my child receiving emergency medical treatment by qualified persons. Conditions PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE I understand that whilst everything is done to ensure the safety of the above participant while attending the activities of the Action Calisthenics Incorporated ("the Club"), the Club's officers and volunteers are not responsible in any way for any accident or sickness which may occur or happen through any circumstances. Should the above named participant be injured as a direct result of training or any club endorsed activity, the Club's insurance, through Calisthenics ACT, will be the sole avenue for any claims to be made. I understand that I must notify the Club of any injury that occurs during any Club activity as soon as possible. * I agree to the above conditions and confirm that the information provided in the registration is accurate. * I have read and I understand the Important Information, Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy as set by Action Calisthenics Inc. and agree to abide by these. * I have read and I understand the competition and theatre rules as set by Calisthenics ACT. * I agree to pay all registration, club fees and payments timely as advised in the fees information page and understand that those fees and payments cannot be refunded. * I agree that I am financially responsible for club equipment issued to my child during the year. * I agree to photos and/or videos of the participant being taken by officials and used for training, competition and social media purposes in accordance with the club's Privacy Policy. I DO NOT agree to photos and/or videos of the participant being taken by officials and used for training, competition and social media purposes in accordance with the club's Privacy Policy. * I agree that I will support Action fundraiser events for the coming year. Is the participant of Aboriginal or Torres Strait origin? No Yes Cultural / Religious Considerations Are there any cultural or religious considerations you would like the club to be aware of? CAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.